Thursday 14 January 2010

The book was reprinted, but some errata remain (updated Feb 2022)

The book was reprinted and the errata in the previous post, among others, corrected.

But still, as expected, there is more:

1. Page 59, (3.35): the sentence after this equation should be changed to: ``where the primes indicates that the term with $T_0 (x)$ (only present for $n$ even) should be halved" (thanks to M. Lewis for the correction).

2. Page 66, (3.61): j = 0, should be k = 0, (3.67): the index of the Chebyshev polynomial should be k

3. Page 67, line 1 below (3.68): (3.55) should be (3.60) line 4 below (3.68): (3.60) should be (3.56).

4. Page 96, line 5, near the end of the line: "=0" should be deleted.

5. Page 99, lines 3 and 5 from the top: the parameter $\nu$ in the Coulomb functions should be $\eta$ (four times).

6, Page 59, replace the brackets in (3.32) and (3.35) by the floor function (thanks to I. Bell for the correction). 

7. Page 83, line after (3.144): $\epsilon_0=1$, $\epsilon_n =2$ ($n \ge 1$)

8. Page 83, Eq. (3.145): z should be 2z for the coefficient A_2

9. Page 168, third paragraph: change "$w_0$ crosses" by "$z$ crosses" (twice)  (thanks to anonymous for the correction)

10. Page 145, 4 lines before algorithm 5.4: $\Gamma (\alpha+\beta+1)$ should be replaced by $\Gamma (\alpha+\beta+2)$. 

11. Page 290, second paragraph, line one/two: read "polynomial of approximation".

12. Page 370. Eq. (12.60): the last term of the differential equations goes with minus sign. The equation should read: $x^2 w''+ x w' -(x^2+n^2) w=0$

13. Formulas (9.60) - (9.62) should read, $L_{50}^{(0)}$ and not $L_{0}^{(50)}$ according to the definition on the page 287. And the same applies for the Weniger transform, $S_{50}^{(0)}$ and not $S_{0}^{(50)}$ (thanks to aukie for the correction)

14. Theorem 4.17: the inequalities and the equality involving $a$ and $b$ should involve $|a|$ and $|b|$ instead.

15. The sentence "It is a straightforward... take place" in the proof of Theorem 4.17 should be deleted.


Anonymous said...

Last formula in (2.88), page 31, seems to be incorrect. Instead of z/(z-1) should be (z-1)/z ?

specfun said...

It is correct. Notice that the inequality is reversed with respect to the other 5 inequalities in (2.88).
Thank you for your comment.

aukie said...

I think formulas (9.60) - (9.62) should read, $L_{50}^{(0)}$ and not $L_{0}^{(50)}$ according to the definition on the page 287. And the same applies for the Weniger transform, $S_{50}^{(0)}$ and not $S_{0}^{(50)}$

specfun said...

Thank you aukie, you are right.

Anonymous said...

I have the older version of the book and I am not sure whether this has been corrected.

Page 168, third paragraph: change " $w_0$ crosses" by "$z$ crosses" (twice).

specfun said...

You are are right. And the errata is present in the new version. I am adding this to the list. Thank you!

Unknown said...

In Eq. 3.35 on page 59, the termination of the summation should be in the floor operator, not brackets [ ]

specfun said...

Thank you Ian!